Sunday, August 28, 2011


Thanks for taking the time to stop by - we're glad you're here! It is our hope that this website can serve as a place for anyone to come at anytime to find information, support and encouragement.  Also a good laugh or two.  Please take some time to have a look around. At the top of the page you'll see tabs for the different pages of this site.  Our goal is to compile as much information in one spot so that you have one place you can visit to see what's going on in the homeschooling community.

Whether you live in the Cleveland area or not, whether you currently home school or merely have an interest in the subject, we hope you'll enjoy being here.

You can also subscribe to the site so that you know whenever there's a new post.  And please use the secure contact form if you have any questions or if there's anything you'd like to see added.  Otherwise, please feel free to leave comments. All we ask is that you show others the same courtesy that you would want in return.

Thanks again for stopping by and we hope to hear from you soon!

~ Dori

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