Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Hey Girl. Homeschooling is Awesome.

In case you missed it on Facebook over the weekend, there is a new blog dedicated to using Ryan Gosling pictures combined with  "Hey Girl" sayings in an effort to provide all of us with a much-needed laugh.

[caption id="attachment_1734" align="aligncenter" width="384" caption="by Anne H."][/caption]

It's the result of procrastinating housework on a Saturday afternoon while spending time on Facebook.

I blame my friend Anne.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

To Laminate or Not to Laminate; There's Really No Question

Somebody please help me.

I can't stop laminating things. If you have a laminator then you probably understand what I'm talking about. And if you don't have one and have been questioning whether or not your life could be improved with the addition of one, then I am here to tell you that the answer is yes.

One of my very best friends recently asked me about laminating machines, thinking that because I homeschool there was a good chance I had one and could offer her some opinion on the matter. I regretfully informed her that, no, I still laminated things the thrifty way - with a large roll of clear contact paper and a lot of patience. Minus the patience.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Our Homeschool Space

We're all a little curious about what other homeschooler's spaces look like, aren't we?

No? Just me?


Maureen and some other homeschoolers have recently been talking about their  homeschooling spaces. Visit Maureen's blog to join the link up that she's hosting. I thought I'd also take the opportunity to talk about our current space. I say "current" because I have a tendency to rearrange things around my house approximately every 7.4 seconds.  My very patient husband doesn't even notice anymore.  I think that as long as his recliner is still facing the television when he comes home from work, he doesn't really care about the rest.

Now, when I talk about our "homeschooling space" I'm referring to the area where most of the book work happens. But, like most of you, our schooling really happens everywhere and anywhere. We tend to do reading snuggled up on the couch, my oldest does his math on the laptop and sometimes we have science in the kitchen (for obvious reasons). We also get out and about as much as we can - nature walks or trips to the park when it's nice out, museum or library days when it isn't. The boys are also involved in Cub Scouts and a couple of classes outside the house to round things out.

But the space that we probably spend the most time in looks like this:

Monday, January 16, 2012

Things I Had Forgotten About One Year Olds

You see, there's a bit of a gap between our youngest and our third child - four years, to be exact. It's been enough time to forget so many things - and an opportunity to enjoy experiencing them all over again. Some of the things I had forgotten about the age oneish set:

  • Just when you've gotten used to being able to sleep all night they start waking up again because of teething.

  • They really like to play in the dishwasher while you're loading or unloading it.

  • They like to bang/tap/smack anything that makes a noise. The louder the better.

  • After playing contentedly for hours they will immediately notice when you have a plate of hot food in front of you and suddenly demand your attention. By screaming. Loudly.

  • They are a magnet for anything sticky, slimy, dirty, messy or bright red in color.

  • In a room full of safe, age-appropriate toys, they will instead lock onto anything remotely dangerous or otherwise inappropriate to play with.  And then scream at the top of their little lungs when you take it away from them.

  • Case in point - My son is currently cruising around our living room full of Fisher Price and Duplos with a jar of paprika he somehow extracted from the kitchen cabinet.

  • They are Master Imitators, spending 99% of their time following big brothers around while trying desperately to do what they do.

  • Their favorite "game" is Let's See How Many Times I Can Get Mommy to Keep Picking up This Thing I'm Dropping. Big brothers are also suckers for this one.

  • They are - simply amazing. Growing and changing so much every day. How quickly they've gone from tiny bundle of newborn baby to walking, talking, BUSY explorer of everything.

Is there a toddler in your life that's keeping you extra busy?

~ Dori

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Homeschool Co-ops

When I was first starting out with homeschooling, one piece of advice I received was to find a co-op to join.  I smiled and nodded and thought that a co-op was the same thing as a homeschool support group.

It turned out that I was wrong.

I recently wrote about finding activities and programs to participate in and one thing that every homeschooling family should consider adding to their list of options is a good co-op. But what is a co-op exactly?

Friday, January 6, 2012

Finding A Balance

If you live in the Cleveland area, then be sure to check out the updated lists of classes and groups and also the calendar - I've added information on winter sessions that are starting soon. If there's anything you would like added please contact me anytime!

As the homeschooling population continues to grow, more and more communities are offering support groups, co-ops and enrichment classes. Which begs the question - how do you choose which activities to have your kids participate in?

Like most people who are new to the idea of homeschooling, I didn't quite understand how it was that HOME schoolers stayed so busy outside of the house. I would read from experienced families about how laughable the idea of homeschoolers being isolated in their homes all day every day was.  Then I had a couple years of homeschooling under my belt.

And then I got it.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year

I've thoroughly been enjoying a holiday break from everything - have you?

Okay, maybe not everything - somebody still had to do the laundry.  And occasionally feed people.

Not only have we had a break from school and our usual routine, but I also made a conscious effort to keep my laptop closed for a few days. I think it's important to periodically "unplug" ourselves and focus instead on all of the other things that are right in front of us. We were able to spend time visiting with much of our family for Christmas and while it was exhausting, we enjoyed our time away.

Of course, this is my youngest after a little too much Christmas.

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