Monday, August 27, 2012

Not Back To School Blog Hop

Not Back to School Blog Hop

I decided to join in on the Not Back-to-School Blog Hop today. Due to my complete inability to plan ahead, along with just being busy with end-of-summer stuff, I missed out on all the other weeks. I did read some of the other entries, though, and encourage you to do the same!
You know. When you have some free time.
The theme for this week was "A Day in the Life" and since I already had a post about that, albeit an older one, I thought I'd share it. So, if you missed it the first time around, here it is for your reading enjoyment once again.
My next post will be about the notification process - so come back, or subscribe, so you don't miss out on any juicy information.

~ Dori

Friday, August 10, 2012

Homeschooling on The Diane Rehm Show!

My husband is a HUGE fan of Diane Rehm – and really all things on NPR. He shared this recent episode with me and then we stayed up talking about it after he got home from work. It was THAT good.

At least I thought so. And my husband thought so. I think the first reason we were both excited is that Diane Rehm is kind of a big deal. So for her to devote a show to the topic of homeschooling while providing the opportunity for us to listen to her fully engaged in the conversation was rather exciting.  What we also enjoyed about the show is that the mom and author who was being interviewed, Quinn Cummings, hit the nail on the head with all of her responses and insights about homeschooling.

Even when the very cranky public school teacher called in trying to defend the public school environment. But throughout the interview, Quinn was nothing but supportive of public school teachers and all that they do. In fact, another public school teacher later called in to thank her for that. Every homeschooler I know certainly has nothing but respect and admiration for the monumental task public school teachers have.

Here is the link to the NPR page with information about the episode. There’s a link to “listen” in the upper left corner above the title and I encourage you to do so.

Scrolling through the comments at the bottom of the page was also pretty interesting…

And here is the link to the book written by the mom in the interview. Let me know if you’ve read it! I’ll probably add it to my already lengthy list of books I want to read at some point.

~ Dori
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