Thursday, September 29, 2011

End-of-September-I-Can't-Believe-It's-October Upcoming Events

I have some bad news. That giveaway I mentioned last week? It's not happening. Yet! As it turns out, that giveaway wasn't so great. It was something that I was contacted about and after some preliminary research I thought it would be a good opportunity. BUT, after numerous attempts at using the product myself and only ending up frustrated, I decided I don't have the heart to pass it on to you.  So,  I am working on a replacement giveaway for next week - something that maybe you'll actually want.  Please forgive me.  And be sure to check back next week.

I'll be heading out of town for a few days but wanted to highlight a few things happening soon that may interest you.  If you know of something that fellow homeschoolers and their families may be interested in, then please share with us.

Have a great weekend!

~ Dori



Family Friday Night: Folktales Campfire at North Chagrin Reservation Nature Center - Friday, 7:30-9:00pm. Roast marshmallows around a fire and listen to stories about owls, bats and more - free!

Spanish Classes in Cleveland Heights and University Heights start this Friday, September 30th and Saturday, October 1st.  Classes are for grades 2-8 and spaces are still available. For more information you can check out the Yahoo Group page here.

Hayes Civil War Reenactment - Saturday, October 1st and Sunday, October 2nd at the Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential Center in Fremont, OH. For full information, including ticket prices and schedule of events for each day click here.

Cleveland Metroparks Zoo Homeschool Focus Group - Monday, October 3rd 4-5:30pm.  The group will be helping us to determine the effectiveness of a web tool the Zoo is creating to be available to educators called a “Virtual Learning Environment”.  For more information or to attend please contact Chad Fifer, Education Specialist 216-661-6500 ext.4457

Make Your Own Mad Science - Tuesday, October 4th 4:00pm at Cleveland Heights-University Heights Public Library - Free! How would you like to build your own catapult, or shoot off a rocket using ordinary kitchen ingredients? Kids in grade 3 to 6 can join us three weeks in a row for a scientific blast of fun! You can check out the website here.

Science of Agriculture Workshop - Grades K-5 October 4th and grades 6-12 on October 5th.  Information and registration can be found here.

Newport Aquarium Fall Homeschool Days - October 12th and 14th tickets only $11 each. More information can be found here.


Monday, September 26, 2011

Five Reasons Why Homeschooling is Crazy

Is homeschooling a crazy idea?  Yes.  And no.
Five Reasons Why Homeschooling is Crazy
  1. Your kids are with you all the time.
  2. Your kids are with you all. The. Time. It bears repeating.
  3. You are completely responsible for the education of your children.
  4. Your kids won’t spend a lot of time around other children the same age.
  5. Your children may not learn what they are “supposed” to for their grade level.

I don't know what this picture has to do with this post, I just thought it was funny.

Five Reasons Why Homeschooling Makes Sense
  1. Your kids are with you all the time.  You get to experience the good, the bad and everything in between together as a family. 
  2. Your kids are with you all. The. Time. It bears repeating.  You have the opportunity to protect tender hearts and teach by example.
  3. You are completely responsible for the education of your children. You get to decide what they learn, when they learn and how they learn it. You can include or exclude the things that don’t mesh with their individual learning styles or your family’s values.
  4. Your kids won’t spend a lot of time around other children the same age. They’ll make friends with kids who are older and kids who are younger. They’ll learn to treat people of all ages and races with respect – from babies to the elderly.  They’ll be better prepared for the “real world” when they find themselves working alongside people of all different ages and ethnic groups.
  5. Your children may not learn what they are “supposed” to for their grade level. They will have the ability to work ahead or take more time with what they are learning and the freedom to explore their unique interests.
Homeschooling is not for every family. It is one of many choices for educating your children. But for MY family, it has truly been a blessing.
~ Dori
Why do you feel that homeschooling is crazy?  Why do you feel that it makes sense?

Friday, September 23, 2011

Upcoming Events and Some Cookies from Heaven

Happy Fall! Here are some things happening soon that may interest you:

Museum Day - Tomorrow! FREE admission to participating  museums in the area. For more information click here.

School Pictures for Homeschoolers - Hobbyist Photographer Jodie M. Amiot is offering a special for homeschooling families in the area to have pictures taken at a great rate. You can get more information on her Facebook page here.

Mentor Library Lego Club -  Tomorrow! Check out the calendar for more information.

Homeschool Martial Arts- Classes starting this week!  If you are at all interested, please contact Mr. Hannah for a free class visit.  He integrates character training and overall fitness into the program, as well as peer teaching and leadership opportunities. More information can be found on the classes page.

Next week I'll have details about exciting things happening in October and a giveaway!

First I need to wrap my brain around the idea that it is, in fact, almost OCTOBER.

Also - I don't know about you, but cold, rainy days sometimes make me feel like baking. Or, more specifically, like eating baked goods.  And so I share this recipe with you. These are quite possibly the best cookies ever in the history of everything. I'm currently regretting my decision to NOT buy any chocolate chips this week at the grocery store.

Brown Butter Toasted Coconut Chocolate Chip Cookies

Brown butter coconut what?!

Small Pieces of Heaven would also be an appropriate title.

My husband came home from work one day and told me about these cookies.  Someone he works with had baked them and brought them in to share.  He ate about 42 of them.  I'm guessing.

Monday, September 19, 2011

A Little About Me and A Little About You

Warning: this post is a little on the long side. BUT - there's a surprise at the end!

A Little About Me

I thought that I'd take a little time to introduce myself and explain more about why I started this website.  I suppose you could say that it was born out of a few things; passion, frustration, vision.  I have a passion for being a homeschooling mom.  I have felt much frustration in the inability to find information and articles related to homeschooling, specifically in the Cleveland area, all in one spot.  And I have a vision for what I hope that this website will be for the homeschooling community.

I am a homeschooling mom to four boys and I've written previously about when I came to the decision to homeschool, why I came to that decision and a little about how homeschooling in our family looks.  And, in case you need a good laugh, I even shared the details of one of our homeschooling days with a newborn.  It's a topic that I've become passionate about and look forward to sharing with you.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Gym Class for Homeschoolers!

I'm on my way back from a late summer vacation in Florida, but wanted to pop in to tell you about a new gym class that starts this Friday, September 9th.  The class will be held at the Hillcrest YMCA in Lyndhurst and will run for five and six weeks at a time. Each class will include free play time and a structured class in a different sport.  Class will be weekly on Fridays from 9:30am - 11:00am and the cost is $20 a session for YMCA members and $40 a session for non-members. If you're not a member you will also pay a yearly $25 program member fee which gives you the ability to sign up for any classes without becoming a member.

This is such a great opportunity for kids to get out and be active while learning about many different sports. The first session will start with baseball, then football, basketball, backyard sports, tennis, soccer and sports combo (possibly to include swimming since that session will be in the spring).

If you have any questions or need to register contact the Hillcrest YMCA 5000 Mayfield Rd., Lyndhurst, OH 44124 (216) 382-4300.

There's only a few days left to register for the first session and it's a really great deal. My boys are VERY excited and we hope to see you there!

~ Dori
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