Friday, October 14, 2011

Weekend Links

If you haven't checked it out recently, I've updated the calendar with some new events happening in October.  I'll be adding things to November soon, too! Just as soon as  I come to terms with it being almost November.

Be sure to skim through the list of classes, too, since there are some new sessions starting next week. If there's a class that interests you, but it's already started it's still worth looking into. Most classes welcome newcomers anytime.


Here are some links to interesting things on the web:

My Lovely Laminator by The Pioneer Woman - I think I need a laminator.  I'm still considering getting the $25 one that was mentioned in the comments to her post. Anyone have one? Do you find it indispensable to your homeschooling?

75 Recipes That Taste Like Fall from Eat At Home - Some good ideas beyond the basic pumpkin bread and crockpot chili. Mmmmm.....pumpkin bread....

31 Days of Lovely Limitations Day 3: Found Drawers by The Nester - This series goes along with her philosophy that "it doesn't have to be perfect to be beautiful" and how a little creativity can go a long way when it comes to decorating your home without breaking the bank.

Games of the Portable Variety by Amy at Angry Chicken - Some good ideas for games to take on the go.


Have a great weekend and I'll see you next week!

~ Dori

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