Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Sometimes You Need a Schedule of Sorts

Last year our homeschooling was sporadic at best. We added a new member to our family, so school was put on the back burner for awhile as we took the time to really welcome and enjoy our newborn.

But now he's one and so there's really no excuse, is there?

Except that I forgot how much time you can spend each day just trying to keep a one year old out of trouble!

Once the baby was finally taking somewhat regular naps, I decided we needed to buckle down and resume some kind of consistent school routine.  After a few days of throwing books at each kid throughout the day and trying desperately to divide my attention between the four children I gave up. For awhile. (You can read this post about our "typical" day trying to fit in school with a newborn if you want a good laugh).

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