A Day In Our Life
Many people have expressed curiosity about what my “typical” day looks like. They say things like “I don’t know HOW you get it all done!” First of all, I don’t get it all done. Not even close. Second of all, I have a rather serious chocolate addiction that helps get me through the day. But if you really want the gory details, then read on.
6:30am – wake up to sounds of baby babbling through monitor next to my head. Alternately listen to him and attempt to continue sleeping for next 45 minutes.
7:15am – realize that happy babbling has turned to strong whining. Stumble quickly downstairs to kitchen to get coffee brewing before baby gets serious with cries of hunger.
7:20am – get baby up and nurse him while other children slowly emerge from the depths of sleep and begin immediately demanding breakfast. Reassure children that they can wait another 15 minutes for breakfast and will not die.
7:45am – put baby in bouncy seat and get other kids breakfast. Continue with emailing/blog reading/facebooking/bill paying, stopping periodically to smile and talk to baby who rewards me with sounds of happiness.
8:15am – get more coffee and get kids second round of breakfast. Put in load of laundry. Talk and smile more at baby. Bask in what an attentive mother I am.
8:30am – yell at ask children politely to get dressed because school WILL be starting in half an hour! Get dressed, pick up some random things that are annoying me, clean up breakfast mess in kitchen.
9:00am – put baby down for a nap and pray that he falls asleep on his own. Switch laundry, pick up more random things around house that are annoying me. Tell first grader to get ready for his school work.
9:15am – get baby up after it becomes clear that he isn’t going to put himself to sleep. Hold and rock him while looking at lesson plans and calendar for the day.
9:30am – tell first grader that now it really IS time for school. Get third grader started on independent work and sit down to work one-on-one with first grader. Preschooler plays nearby or sits and does his own “schoolwork”, “reading”, etc…
10:30am – nurse baby while first grader reads aloud to me. Next have third grader sit next to me and work on English. Put baby on gym mat to kick and play happily. Play math games.
11:30/12:00 – give third grader reading assignment and make lunch. Have third grader answer reading questions. Put baby down for another nap. Sit on couch and eat my own lunch/check email/attempt some quiet time.
12:30pm – thank God that baby is sleeping, switch laundry around, fold clothes, pick up more random things around the house that are annoying me and clean up lunch mess in kitchen. Finish up schoolwork with children.
2:00pm – grocery shopping/scout meeting/play date/art class/gym class/errand running/library/doctor appointment excursion. Otherwise, time for everyone to do their own thing.
2:30pm – return phone call from friend who left me a voice mail many days ago. She happens to be out and about and would love to stop by.
2:31pm – panic. Then begin frantically scooping up piles of things strewn about and shoving them into nearby closet while simultaneously yelling at children to please pick up their toys!
2:45pm – have lovely visit with friend and her little boy despite embarrassment at state of my house.
3:30pm – put baby down for nap. Feel guilty about lack of time spent with four year old and attempt to make it up to him.
4:00pm – more laundry/random housework. Begin thinking about dinner as children declare that they are “STARving.”
4:15pm – get interrupted by friend calling to discuss Cub Scouts. Make mental note to check email to see what the heck she’s talking about. Enjoy laughing with her anyway.
4:30pm – get baby up from nap, feed him and begin more seriously considering dinner options.
5:00pm – yell at politely ask children to unload dishwasher and feed dog. Big brothers then play with baby while I attempt dinner preparations.
6:00pm – dinner. Baby begins demanding attention simply to keep me from ever having a hot meal.
6:30pm – dinner cleanup, reload dishwasher with dishes that have been piling up in sink all day. More laundry. More random housework.
7:30pm – nurse baby and put him to bed for the night. Pray he goes to sleep.Yell at politely ask children to start getting ready for bed. Try to remember the last time each of them was cleaned and either tell one of them to get in the shower or get a bath ready for the younger ones.
7:50pm – finish helping kids with jammies/teeth brushing/potty-going. Read story. Or put them to bed without a story because I’m tired and ready to be done for the day. Feel immense guilt.
8:30pm – husband gets home. Curse his timing. Spend time relaxing together on couch. Tell him about my day. News Hour is on in the background but I’m pretty sure he’s listening to every word of what I’m saying. Realize he isn’t and go take a shower.
9:00pm – remember that oldest child is still up reading and go give him his tuck. Collapse on couch and watch tv/do computer stuff/talk with husband.
10:30pm – retreat to bedroom, grabbing baby on the way. Nurse baby while reading, then put him back to bed.
11:00pm – head hits pillow.
For the record, I think I maintained this “schedule” for approximately three days before giving up relaxing about getting schoolwork done while having a newborn. Have you had days that looked like this one? Please tell me I’m not alone.
~ Dori
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