Sunday, August 28, 2011

Homeschooling Part Three: How I Lost My Mind

One of the main curiosities people seem to have about homeschooling families is in the "how" of it.  What, exactly do we do all day?  How do we stay sane when we spend so much time together?

Certainly every family who home schools will have different answers to these questions.  With a new baby in our family, our schooling this last year has been somewhat sporadic.  But that's okay.  Because we've all been able to thoroughly enjoy welcoming this new life into our family and I believe that's been more important than things like multiplication tables.  I see how much the boys genuinely love their new baby brother and am proud of the lessons they are learning in patience and compassion.  Life lessons.  The kind of lessons that will serve them well later in life.

There is no right or wrong way to home school - only what is best for the individual learners that make up the homeschooling family.

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