Friday, January 6, 2012

Finding A Balance

If you live in the Cleveland area, then be sure to check out the updated lists of classes and groups and also the calendar - I've added information on winter sessions that are starting soon. If there's anything you would like added please contact me anytime!

As the homeschooling population continues to grow, more and more communities are offering support groups, co-ops and enrichment classes. Which begs the question - how do you choose which activities to have your kids participate in?

Like most people who are new to the idea of homeschooling, I didn't quite understand how it was that HOME schoolers stayed so busy outside of the house. I would read from experienced families about how laughable the idea of homeschoolers being isolated in their homes all day every day was.  Then I had a couple years of homeschooling under my belt.

And then I got it.

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