Friday, January 20, 2012

Our Homeschool Space

We're all a little curious about what other homeschooler's spaces look like, aren't we?

No? Just me?


Maureen and some other homeschoolers have recently been talking about their  homeschooling spaces. Visit Maureen's blog to join the link up that she's hosting. I thought I'd also take the opportunity to talk about our current space. I say "current" because I have a tendency to rearrange things around my house approximately every 7.4 seconds.  My very patient husband doesn't even notice anymore.  I think that as long as his recliner is still facing the television when he comes home from work, he doesn't really care about the rest.

Now, when I talk about our "homeschooling space" I'm referring to the area where most of the book work happens. But, like most of you, our schooling really happens everywhere and anywhere. We tend to do reading snuggled up on the couch, my oldest does his math on the laptop and sometimes we have science in the kitchen (for obvious reasons). We also get out and about as much as we can - nature walks or trips to the park when it's nice out, museum or library days when it isn't. The boys are also involved in Cub Scouts and a couple of classes outside the house to round things out.

But the space that we probably spend the most time in looks like this:

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