Monday, January 16, 2012

Things I Had Forgotten About One Year Olds

You see, there's a bit of a gap between our youngest and our third child - four years, to be exact. It's been enough time to forget so many things - and an opportunity to enjoy experiencing them all over again. Some of the things I had forgotten about the age oneish set:

  • Just when you've gotten used to being able to sleep all night they start waking up again because of teething.

  • They really like to play in the dishwasher while you're loading or unloading it.

  • They like to bang/tap/smack anything that makes a noise. The louder the better.

  • After playing contentedly for hours they will immediately notice when you have a plate of hot food in front of you and suddenly demand your attention. By screaming. Loudly.

  • They are a magnet for anything sticky, slimy, dirty, messy or bright red in color.

  • In a room full of safe, age-appropriate toys, they will instead lock onto anything remotely dangerous or otherwise inappropriate to play with.  And then scream at the top of their little lungs when you take it away from them.

  • Case in point - My son is currently cruising around our living room full of Fisher Price and Duplos with a jar of paprika he somehow extracted from the kitchen cabinet.

  • They are Master Imitators, spending 99% of their time following big brothers around while trying desperately to do what they do.

  • Their favorite "game" is Let's See How Many Times I Can Get Mommy to Keep Picking up This Thing I'm Dropping. Big brothers are also suckers for this one.

  • They are - simply amazing. Growing and changing so much every day. How quickly they've gone from tiny bundle of newborn baby to walking, talking, BUSY explorer of everything.

Is there a toddler in your life that's keeping you extra busy?

~ Dori

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